File And MP3 Tag Renamer is a useful application that lets you edit and rename your Mp3 files in an easy way. The program's graphic interface is intuitive and easy to use. You can add all the files you want to edit by just browsing them from the program's main window.
There are many properties of your Mp3 files you can change with this application. The program comes with a file renaming panel that will let you capitalize first letters, change the extension of your audio file, insert string, change the files' attributes, adjust the files' time stamp and much more. There is a feature that allows you to search any word and replace it with another one. This software also lets you change the original name of a Mp3 file from all-lower case to all-upper case.
This application is very useful to batch rename lots of Mp3 files. You can add many files and edit all of their properties at once.
File And MP3 Tag Renamer is not a free application. You can use a free trial version for a period of 20 days to check it and decide if you want to buy it or not. The advantages of getting the registered version is that you will not see any registration notices, you will have no time limits and you will receive information about new versions and lifetime free upgrades.